Serendipity in Digital Environments

My PhD research focused on the role of serendipity in the research processes of historians: from those ‘a-ha!’ moments in the library stacks to coming across unexpected information online. >>

DIYverse Makerspaces

Continuing my work with maker communities that started with the creation of The MakerBus Collaborative (now MakerBus Consulting), I am currently researching methods of diversifying the users of public makerspaces. >>

Digital History Pedagogy

I’ve had the pleasure of visiting the ever-inventive classroom of Shawn Graham at Carleton, and am now co-editing the 2nd edition of The Historian’s Macroscope with Shawn, Ian Milligan, and Scott Weingart. >>

Early Modern London

In 2018 Diane Jakacki gave me the wonderful opportunity to return to my academic roots when she hired as the Linked Open Data and Subject Specialist for the Records of Early English Drama (REED) London project.  >>


STAK, or the Serendipitous Tool for Augmenting Knowledge, was a collaboration between myself, Brian Greenspan, and Anabel Quan-Haase. >>

Digging DH

During my PhD at the University of Western Ontario, I was the project manager for Anabel Quan-Haase’s SSHRC Insight Grant, Digging Digital Humanities. >>